Our Sponsors

BlackInImmuno sponsors  help us accomplish our goals of amplifying Black immunologists and connecting Black immunologists with the great scientific ecosystem (academic, industry, publishers, etc.). These funds directly support the cost of planning events as well as compensating organizers and speakers.

Principal Sponsors

For contributions of $10,000 or more

 Tier 2 • Immune System

For contributions of $5,000 or more

Allen Institute for Immunology

Department of Immunology, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical School

 Tier 3 • Lymphoid Organ

For contributions of $2,000 or more

Department of Immunology, University of Toronto

Department of Immunology, University of Toronto


Imperial College London, Department of Immunology and Inflammation

Stanford Immunology

Stanford Immunology


Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases

 Tier 4 • Bone Marrow

For contributions of $1,000 or more

Yale University Department of Immunobiology

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Division of Immunobiology


Institute for Immunology and Immune Health (University of Pennsylvania)

 Tier 5 • Leukocyte

For contributions of $500 or more


Seattle Children's Research Institute


Community Contributions

Circulating Antibodies | Complement | Cytokines

Individual Contributors

Barbara Kee

Maddie Lee

Our many anonymous contributors

Thank you to our previous sponsors
